All events

August 2024

  • PF048 - MA Automotodrom Brno/CZ

    16. - 18. Aug 2024 Brno / CZ Trainings- und Rennveranstaltung

    Feel free on one of Europeans Top tracks!

    of 719.00 EUR for 3 days
    , After of 769.00 EUR
    Available Tire service Catering at track restaurant Photographer Timekeeping & Livetiming
  • PF117-24 Brno / CZ

    19. - 20. Aug 2024 Brno / CZ Trainings- und Rennveranstaltung

    Brno - Immer eine Reise wert!

    of 369.00 EUR for 2 days
    , After of 389.00 EUR
    Remaining spots Tire service Mechanic service Catering at track restaurant Photographer Timekeeping & Livetiming Base instruction GP Racing School Spare Part Service