
Donate. Bike Promotion takes care of social projects like the “Kinderheim” in Gera. Within a short time this facility was visited by bad floods, most recently in the summer of 2013. Back then, Bike Promotion used an event in Oschersleben to raise funds for the children of this facility and to rebuild it. Hundreds of euros came together at the time, and Bike Promotion raised this amount to 1.000 euros.

Environmental Protection. Environmental protection is one of the most important aspects of all the life together today - including the race track and bike promotion. For more than two decades, the United Nations has been working together with its environmental code, the Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM), in its environmental program to make our sport as green as possible.

From the top down, these regulations and self-regulation also extend to bike promotion. Not only is it ensured that the regulations of the racetracks are respected, but events are also partially regulated by voluntary self-determination bike promotions. As an example the “Schleizer Dreieck” in Thüringen, where is always problems with the noise protection. In bike promotion events, not only the required noise limits were adhered to, but an even lower limit imposed itself.

Last refresh 2016-10-21 14:47:51